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Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May every living thing on earth be happy and free.

Summer 2024, Playa Organos, Costa Rica


My vision

I am fully convinced that every human is born with a high potential. Unfortunately this potential is being slowed down or even totally neglected. This may occur by upbringing, social surroundings and influences.
I want to help you recognize your own potential and find ways to unfold, like the transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly.
I want to care for people in a holistic and extensive way and give chances to recover, renew and walk  into a future in a strengthened mood.
For this we create a place where you can relax and recover body, mind and soul, in the unique and marvellous nature of Costa Rica.
If you feel ready for your transformation or if you are just looking for a relaxing time- you are heartily welcome!



In 2008 I started to practice yoga regularily.
After participating in a workshop of Brian Kest (USA), I was on fire and wanted to learn more to teach yoga to others. So I started a Hatha Yoga Teacher Training that I finished with a 500+ hrs degree of RYT in 2023. Meanwhile I participated in other different workshops of Poweryoga,
Jivamukti, Alignment & Assist, Spiraldynamic, Restorative, Meditaion, Mantra and Handpan. In 2021 I also finished a teacher training for Yinyoga with Mirjam Wagner (Yoga-Therapy Mallorca). By teaching up to 7 classes per week I could achieve a lot of experiences during the last years in dealing with injuries, diseases and psycological dysbalances.
Now I am ready for a new chapter and approach my task in a new kind of way.



In 2014 a metabolic disorder shut me down so I started to to research and tried out different ways of nutrition to help my body recover. It took a lot of time and some fails until I found the right way of nutrition for my body. 

Due to my own experiences I became aware of how important this topic is, as much as it is individual. Everyone who takes a deeper glimpse into Yoga and Ayurveda reaches the aspects of individual and constitutional nutrition. The most important point is a good knowledge and true conciousness for your own daily nutrition and for your body.
At Blue Morpheus Recreation we are looking forward to provide healthy, balanced and strengthening food freshly cooked by an ayurvedic chef.



The last years have shown clearly how important the aspect of social connection is for our health.

The one being connected, supported and provided by a community and simultaniously may give back creativity, thoughts and capabilities has good chances to be healthy even at advanced age.

In our Recreation Center we want to live and teach these aspects and build a vibrating community reaching out into the world.


Holistic Health and living in Harmony with Nature

Through meditation I discovered energy healing. I learned how to feel into others, find trapped emotions and release them by a proven system. 

I am also trained in coaching with special topics that might want to be changed in your everyday life so that you may find out, how change can release stress at home for a healthier living.
Peter will be able to provide help on different levels of holistic medicine and give you advice on how to achieve a high level of health.

Sorrounded by the gorgeous nature around our Recreation Center you will come closer back to mother earth and your own spark of life.
This may help you to feel energized and open for the small and the big miracles of life.

Let yourself be enchanted by the abundance of Costa Rica.



Das sind wir:
Maria & Peter, Ole, Ida & Erik

Midwife, Yogateacher, Author 

Doctor of human medicine, holistic medicine, studying Ayurveda, Teacher for Meditation, Yinyoga and Restorative Yoga
loves soccer, swimming, surfing, wants to be a lifeguard

loves all animals, horsebackriding, swimming, wants to have her own farm


loves nature, all times outside, likes building with any materials, swimming, horsebackriding, wants to be an officer or paramedic



Since we first met, Peter and I love to travel together. We have already visited most parts of Europe as well as many destinations in Asia, Africa and the Northamerican Continent.

Now we will be on our longest road trip so far, starting in Halifax, Canada. Please feel welcome to follow us on Instagram, Facebook or in our Journi.

Thank you for your interest. We are looking forward to meet you personally one day.
Cheers and namaste, Maria & Peter

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